

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Marli - Week 2

After a bit of technical difficulty, I can finally publish Marli's Week 2 of the Shop-my-closet-365 challenge and what a triumph of prints it was. That is something that I have vowed to do - wear more prints. Not only is it a trend, but it is fun!

Marli informed me that she almost repeated an outfit, but then remembered her SMC 365 pledge and pulled out the cute little grey and bright print (second from the bottom) dress from her closet and looked absolutely fabulous in it for the first time in a long while.

That is exactly why I started this challenge. I find myself always gravitating towards the same items in my closet and I wear them over and over again when I have so many items that have never/rarely been worn. Yay - success!

Day 37 - Outfit 37

Camel sweater, Pink shirt, skinny's and Uggs

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