

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cheap shopping - yeah!

I did a bit of shopping today...I'm a bit hesitant to post any of it on here, because it kinda looks a bit boring now, hanging against the looked much better on...I promise! And at prices like these, who could say no??? - 4 items...$55 - bargainista galore!. That now bring my total left for the month to: $65.

Khaki shirt dress

Bright sundress

Denim shirt dress (I was thinking: "hey, this would look cute with some white leggings"...just one problem...I don't own any - I can feel another expedition coming on...soon)

Teal sundress

Day 61 - Outfit 61

White cardi, pink top, jeans and Choos...I was a bit brave when I put this outfit on today...It was definitely not warm enough. (note to self...just because you are wearing Spring-y outfits, does not mean the weather will play can get the temperature from your cell phone for a reason.) 


  1. You've lost weight!! Looking fab!

  2. Hehe, I love how you're willing the weather to get better with positive dressing!
