

Friday, April 22, 2011

The budget

I'm sure there are people who wonder how $200 per month can be considered a budget, but believe me, most people will be shocked when they take their credit and debit card statements at the end of the month and add up how much they spend on clothes, shoes and make-up per month. (unless you don't wear make-up, detest shopping and wear t-shirts and shorts every day)

This self-imposed SMC-365 budget of $200 per month might not sound very strict to some, but it is pretty strict for me and not only am I obviously spending a lot less money, I'm also more conscious about what I buy and what I'm willing to pay for things. If that and the fact that I'm wearing more items from my closet is all that I achieve during my Shop-my-closet 365 experience, then I'll be a happy bunny.

Day 74 - Outfit 74

Casual outfit for a relaxed day at home on Good Friday. Ralph Lauren "rugby" jersey, jeans and trainers.

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