

Friday, July 8, 2011

Kindred spirits

Today, the funniest thing happened to me and in that moment, I knew I was with a kindred spirit. A fellow clothing loving, wannabe fashionista, shopaholic.

My colleague and I went for a quick lunch. All of a sudden, on the way to the car, the heavens opened up and the biggest droplets of rain that I have ever seen came falling from the sky. In fact, they were so big, they hurt as the came crashing down on our skins.

Jayna, clever girl that she is, grabbed her light summer scarf and covered her expensive leather Juicy Couture handbag. I asked her what she was doing and her answer: "I'll get dry again, but I'm saving my purse".

A smile broke on my face as it dawned on me and I yelled at the top of my lungs: "Yes, don't worry about yourself, save your purse!". 

Only a fellow clothing lover can appreciate that. We ran through the rain, her a bit easier than me in a pair of funky boots, because I was wearing sandals and my feet kept sliding in them, and we could not control the crazy laughter and chants of "save the purse". 

The normal not-so-fussed-about-clothing type woman would not understand this at all, but if you are like me, you would have run in the rain, laughing out loud and chanted "save the purse". 

 Day 151 - Outfit 151

Olive jacket, black top, boyfriend jeans and black sandals. Just look at my little woolly white posers, Bewley and Lilu.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh awesome casual-trendy outfit, pity you can't repeat it again for another 150 odd days! Ha ha, do you miss that? Finding a new killer combo and relying on it every couple of weeks? Guess you could just change the shoes... :))))
