

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I have a lot of clothes, too much some people might say. At least I donate some of it to charity when feel ready to part with an item, so I guess I'm not a total clothes hoarder, but the fact is I love clothing and I love most of what I own,so even if it doesn't fit me anymore, I secretly do think that one day it will (I know I'm not alone) and so I keep it.

Basically, what this means closet is overflowing. Or, at least, it used to be, until I complained enough and finally dragged my husband to a home improvement store and he finally agreed to change our walk in-closet to my specifics.

This is what it used to look like (you can see the 2 corners on my side of the room - his side is on the other side of the window).

Window side corner

Door side corner
After a bit of hard work and lots of good measurements, it now looks like this:

Window side corner

Door side corner

Isn't it great what a bit of hard work and persuasion can accomplish? Yay!

Day 93 - Outfit 93

It went from 80F to 40F overnight - I had to wear a comfy warm sweater, skinny's and tall boots. It looks like Bewley and Lilu are the biggest posers ever (I promise, this photo is not staged, they pose like that on their own)


  1. Not a clothes hoarder - whaaahaaa - you are forcing moi to store clothes/bags/shoes that is at least 25 years old! some of the items are so tiny that it would not even fit a 10 year old Ethiopian girl!
    Congrats your closet looks great - welldone Snuf Snuf! Very proud of you 2 little domestic genius's.
    Posers and mommy dressed in beige look pretty and snug.

  2. Hey, at least I donate... (which in my opinion makes me a non-hoarder :))

  3. Hahaha, I was just thinking of EXACTLY that room full of museum pieces at your house Louise... Not a hoarder, ha! But we love you just like that little hoarder. Maybe if you have little girls one day they'll be the best dressed retro chicks in town?
    I spent the weekend donating! Cut my folded clothes (sweaters t-shirts tops jeans leggings etc) down to half, but still have to do the hanging items (my precious dresses, no!!) and the underwear drawers. Oh, and shoes. (EEEEK!) But it must be done because I'm not wearing half the stuff and feel bad buying new ones with groaning cupboards. Some of the stuff I threw out is from 2000 - that's 11 years! I definitely get emotionally attached though... it's a problem!
