

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I don't really follow Kimora Lee Simmons as a fashion designer/creator, because I have never purchased a single Baby Phat item. I do however know that she is all that and a bag of chips with a larger than life personality and fabulous clothes. (and to be honest, anyone who is good enough for Karl Lagerfeld and Chanel, is good just fine by me)

I noticed that Kimora has a new book out called Fabulosity and I heard her say that "it (Fabulosity) is the state of being fabulous." 

Well, that is something to aim for and a pretty good word to live by (for any clothes/fashion lover).  

I think I might just adopt it too - not necessarily overnight, but I'll slowly but surely aim to achieve Fabulosity. Best thing about it, is that Fabulosity is something that not only comes from within, but it is also in the eye of the beholder/outfit wearer. Me, looking/feeling good for me - gotto love that!

Day 128 - Outfit 128

Cropped jacket, light blue-green embellished top, boyfriend jeans, blue-green sandals

1 comment:

  1. A lot of "fabulosity" is going on here!
    K L S is indeed so full of herself but her desingns are good and some items are really affordable even for South Africans. Pity the Baby Phat shop in Century City closed down. Damn.
