

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shopping in Vegas

It's been a few days since we left Las Vegas and I'm thinking back on our time there with great fondness for the place. I absolutely love Vegas. I love the great restaurants, the tons of things to do and see and off course the shopping. Unfortunately, I have realized that shopping in Vegas is not just a pleasure all the time. Sometimes, it could be pure torture. In one small town, or rather on one street (The Strip), you can get every fabulous designer store that exists, numerous times. For instance, I think there are 4 or 5 Louis Vuittons on The Strip alone.

Basically what this means, is that if you see something in a shop that you like, you are constantly reminded by it because you see the shop so often. Also, it is so difficult to choose something, because you may have just decided on something, and then you see something more fabulous at the next store.

Moral of the story is: I made no flashy purchases this time. Not only because I have to stay within my $200 per month budget, but also because I was completely overwhelmed by all the fabulousness. (which is not such a bad thing to be overwhelmed by...)

Day 339 - Outfit 339

Sweater, gold scarf, skinny's and Uggs

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